
The Department started in the 1920s as a Carpentry Workshop to repair and service the furniture and other related activities of the Kampala Technical School (KTS). The massive increase in the number of students and staff over the year, led to its evolution into a fully developed Department of the University College in the 1955, to include other maintenance sections i.e. Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, grounds, Masons, Project, Housing, Transport, Painting and Glassworks. The increase in students and staff members has continued but with no corresponding expansion of the University facilities.

Mission and Vision

The Estate and Works Department mission is to develop and provide professional, cost effective dependable as well as efficient physical infrastructural system to enable Makerere University Community and the public at large a conductive academic living environment.

The Department vision is ‘to be a vibrant, reliable and custodian of infrastructure services’, this has enhance the academic environment and also contributed to innovations in maintenance, design of new products.

Eng. Okuk Geoffrey Bright Owera
Eng. Okuk Geoffrey Bright Owera


Eng. Okuk Geoffrey Bright Owera is the Director, Estates and Works Department, Makerere University.

About Estate and Works

The Department of Estates and Works is the technical department of Makerere University, responsible for performing four basic roles, namely:

  1. The maintenance and upkeep of the entire University infrastructure,
  2. The execution of minor civil, electrical and mechanical engineering works,
  3. The supervision of capital project,
  4. The custody of the University property,
  5. Technical Arm of University Management.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Estates and Works Department is to develop and provide professional, cost effective dependable as well as efficient physical infrastructural system to enable Makerere University Community and the public at large a conductive academic living environment.